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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Weekend Sport and Activity Report 28 -29 August

Share your sports results here. I watched Ben and Alec represent the Coast against Buller in the pouring rain today. Here are some pics of them :)


  1. I went to Benjamins birthday party\sleep over.I did an all nighter i'm not tired.

  2. It was a tough game and we all played well but buller was the better team and we lost!

  3. on the weekend I played agenst my sister in hokey and we bet here 15 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Awasome pictures did they win

  5. It says above if they won, but no they lost =( West Coast has'nt been doing very well this season in rugby. My brother played for the Golden Oldies in the weekend. The Golden Oldies are men who are to old to play for seniors or under 20s so the golden oldies are people like 35-60 year olds, my brother was the youngest there being only sixteen =)
