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Friday, September 17, 2010

Food Technology

Please tell us about these photos. Write about what you made and how you made it. I'm very interested in how you made the sushi.


  1. That day we either made pies or pasties I chose to make a bacon and egg pie it turned out great its just a shame that I don't like egg!!!!!!!I gave making sushi ago but I wasn't very good at it :) I gave all my sushi to Briana because I didn't like sushi and she did!!!But over all it was a really fun day.

  2. We got to chose what we wanted to make, but it had to be along the lines of a wrap or parcel (because that was the area we had been working on this year). I made little apple pasties in the shape of hearts and stars i made the shapes by using cookie cutters.

  3. I made Apple and peach pie, I wanted it to be different from all the other apple pies so I decided to add peaches and cinnimon.
    They all look yummy :)

  4. That food looks great I cant wait to make it next year because apple pasties are my faverite!!!

  5. yeah jack apple pasties are my favourite too.

  6. I LOVE APPLE PASTYS!!! but cornish pastys i like most also i can't wait till i make them.

  7. I enjoy apple pasties too and guarantee you will have fun making them! That day I made the same as Eilish R (bacon and egg), all of the pies and pasties looked nice. For pasties I think I made bosenberry and apple ones, they were delicious. I also made another pie, it was a mince pie with a mashed potato topping covered in crushed corn chips and cheese.

  8. Those apple pasties look really good. I must say that when we did cooking the apple pasties were my favourite.....♥

  9. This is a question for the people how made the food,what was the hardest thing to make at cooking and the food looks great by the way.

  10. When we made Sushi it was really fun making it but I didn't like it when I tired it so I gave it to Briana.

    When we did the pies Briana and I tired something different and we made apple pasties in the shape of hearts and they were really cool and tasted good =]

  11. The food looks really yummy :)
    I loved making the apple pasties, they tasted really nice and they were fun to make. I made abit of a mess when I made mine though....

  12. That shui looks heavenly.
