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Friday, September 3, 2010

The Earthquake

Hey guys get those writers notebooks out and write down the feelings and thoughts you had when you felt the earthquake or after you heard about it.


  1. Ummmmmm I have a problem I slept through the earthquake but I will still write about how I felt when I heard about it!!!!

  2. when the earthquake hit at around 4:30 in the morning my door was shakeing and nearly went off its hinges (its a sliding door).Also my ornaments started to fall off my shelfs.My nan's house was hit pretty bad by the quake her china has been shattered and her windos smashed.My nan's nabour came into nan's house and got nan out.nan was pretty scared but i'm glad she's alright my dad and one of my auntys went over there to help clean up nan's house.

  3. Eilish how can you sleep through a earthquake oh actually i probable would've slept through it as well but i did'ent because my house is on a hill so it felt like were going to go of the edge.

  4. I put my cat under the bed as soon as it stered to shake i was secred for my cat but she didn't even care.

  5. Bj cats can sence if it is going to be dangerous.

  6. Thats why your cat didn't care

  7. I was so scared and the aftershocks kept me awake until after 6am and then woke me up again at 7am. As you can guess from my complaining about getting up early for the ski trip, I was a 'bit'- bit being the understatement of the century- disgrunteled the next day. Getting up early is not my specialty, still the earthquake was so scary. I feel so bad for the people in Christchurch.

  8. hi its paddy my nans house is all clean but she does not want any more china.she is also not as scared as before.
