Week 1, Term 3, 2010
Due Wednesday:
Writer’s Wiki
Due Friday:
Writer journal
World map work
NZ map work.
Writers Journal
Make sure you are putting something into this journal each day. Listen for interesting words and phrases to note down. Underline your favourite for the week.
Vocabulary Work
Look through your writer’s journal and find a work you really like. It might be a long word that you just discovered or a simple word that you just like the sound of then: 1. Look in the dictionary and copy the definition 2. Find comes from. 3. How many syllables does it have? 4. Write a sentence with the word.
World Map Work
We have had a lot of visitors to our blog site lately. Choose a dot from either map.
Find and neatly label the city and country on your world map.
Find an interesting fact about the city or country and post it to the blog site.
Look on the blog site and write down the time in New Zealand and the time in your chosen country. What is the time difference?
New Zealand Map Work
Find and label three New Zealand towns on your map that start with the letter ‘A’. Choose one of these towns and:
find one interesting fact about it on the blog site.
if you have visited this town write a sentence about your visit on the blogsite.
Capital City is preparing for their annual winter festival. They plan to decorate their park with 114 strings of lights and each string of lights has 39 bulbs. It is expected to take 31 hours to decorate over the course of the week.
How many lights are there all together?
How many lights will be hung in each hour?
Writer’s Wiki
Go go http://stpatricksseniorclasses.wikispaces.com/ and request to join our Writer’s Wiki. Go to your own page (you will find your name on the left hand side) and write a greeting. Don’t forget the internet safety rules you have learned.